The Freies Deutsches Hochstift is one of the oldest cultural institutes in Germany and a non-profit research institution. It is the sponsor of the Goethe-Haus in Frankfurt, the Deutsches Romantik-Museum, the operator of the Brentano-Haus (here jointly with the city of Oestrich-Winkel) and has art collections, a manuscript collection and a research library. Its research work focusses on the Goethe era and literary Romanticism. The historical-critical edition of Clemens Brentano is currently being finalised. The Hochstift is also involved in major academy projects on Goethe's letters and diaries as well as Robert Schumann's ‘Poetische Welt’.

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The Freies Deutsches Hochstift is funded in equal parts by the Federal Republic of Germany, the State of Hesse and the City of Frankfurt am Main.